Create CRUD App Using Entity Framework Core with SQL Server

In this article I will be sharing how we can simple CRUD app using Entity Framework Core edition which is basically an open source and cross-platform version of the Entity Framework to be used in the .Net Core application development.

With EF Core, data access is performed using a model. A model is made up of entity classes and a context object (derived from DbContext class) that represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save data in the database.

Here I will be using code first approach without existing database.


In order to develop and run .Net Core app, we need .Net Core SDK that includes .Net CLI tools, .Net Core Runtime.
So download and install the latest version of .Net Core SDK available from this link
We will also need code editor, I will recommend VS Code but if you already have any other code editor that you are using to write C# code then stick with that otherwise download and install VS Code from this link
After installing SDK and VS Code, open the command prompt and run following command to check if SDK installed properly.

dotnet --version

You must get the latest version number as a result. In my case its 3.0.101 since I had installed it sometime back.
After done with the environment setup we are ready to develop our CRUD console app.

Create a new project

Now go to the folder location where you want to create app project and open the command window.
Create console type project for our CRUD app by running following command.

dotnet new console -o EFCore-CrudApp

It will create EFCore-CrudApp folder with the same name project file in it.
Now we need to work under this folder so move into this folder.

cd EFCore-CrudApp

Add Package References

First we need to install Entity Framework Core and for that we need to install the package for the EF Core database provider that we want to target. In this app we will be using SQL Server so run following command to install the Entity Framework Core.

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer --version 3.0.0

 Note – I have used specific versions compatible with .net core SDK 3.0 but if you have latest version then you should run these command without specifying the version.

You find following entry in the app project file after successful installation.

  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer" Version="3.0.0" />
As we are done with our app project setup, now open VS code in the project folder to write code for this app.

Create the model

Our model will consists 2 POCO classes and a context class.
Let’s create Model.cs and create following classes to represent Member and Book entities in our Model.

    public class Member
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string PhoneNo { get; set; }
        public string City { get; set; }
    public class Book
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Gener { get; set; }  

Also create CrudAppDbContext class derived from DbContext that represents session with the database. This class object will be used to perform crud operations on the database and its properties will represent table in the database.

public class CrudAppDbContext: DbContext
    public DbSet Members { get; set; }
    public DbSet Books { get; set; }


We also need to configure the database connection that will be used by the EF Migrations to sync that database with the data model in the application.
So add following code in the CrudAppDbContext class to pass the database connection while configuring the database context for this app.

protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
{         options.UseSqlServer(@"Server=localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=EFCoreCrudAppDb;Trusted_Connection=True;");

Entity Framework Migrations

Entity Framework provides a way to create a database from the data model using Migrations. Migrations are used to keen database in sync with the changes in the application’s data model by updating the database schema while preserving existing data in the database.

So in order to create migrations we need to install Entity Framework Core tools that includes “dotnet ef” tool and the EF designer.

Run following command in the command window to install the EF Core tools.

$ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef –version 3.0.0
$ dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design –version 3.0.0

Note – I have used specific versions compatible with .net core SDK 3.0 but if you have latest version then you should run these command without specifying the version.

  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="3.0.0">
 <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

Create the database

Since we have installed Entity Framework Core tools, we are ready to create database from our application data model.
First, we need to add migrations that will create the database schema of our model entities.
So run following commands to create the database.

dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate

Note – It will add Migrations folder in the project with auto-generated files for “initialCreate” migration.

Second, we need to apply “initialCreate” migration on the database. Since it’s a very first migration and we don’t have existing database so it will create new database for us.

So run following command to apply the migration to the database.

dotnet ef database update

Note – A new database is created along with the tables for the model entities.

Add CRUD Operations Code

Since the database is created, we are ready to add code for crud operations.

Add new file CrudUtility.cs in the project to add crud operations code.

Add following code to create (insert) data in the Books table in database.

public static void AddBook()
   using (var dbcontext = new CrudAppDbContext())
     Console.WriteLine("**********Enter Book details**********");
     Console.Write("Book Title : ");
     string title = Console.ReadLine();
     Console.Write("Book Gener : ");
     string gener = Console.ReadLine();
     Console.WriteLine(" ");

     var book = new Book { Title = title, Gener = gener };

Add following code to read data from the Books table.

public static void GetBooks()
   using (var dbcontext = new CrudAppDbContext())
     var query = from b in dbcontext.Books orderby b.Id select b;
     Console.WriteLine("**********List of Books**********");
     foreach (var b in query)
      Console.WriteLine("Details of Book No - {0}", b.Id);
      Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------- ");
      Console.WriteLine("Book Title - {0}", b.Title);
      Console.WriteLine("Book Gener - {0}", b.Gener);
      Console.WriteLine(" ");

Add following code to update a particular Book data in the Books table.

public static void UpdateBookDetails(int bookId, string title, string gener)
   using (var dbcontext = new CrudAppDbContext())
     var query = from b in dbcontext.Books orderby b.Id select b;
     foreach (var b in query)
       if (b.Id == bookId)
          b.Title = title;
          b.Gener = gener;

Add following code to delete a particular Book data from the Books table.

public static void DeleteBook(int bookId)
   using (var dbcontext = new CrudAppDbContext())
     var query = from b in dbcontext.Books orderby b.Id select b;
     foreach (var b in query)
       if (b.Id == bookId)

Same way add code to perform CRUD operations on “Member” entity as well.

Now we have to call these CRUD operations in our app so add following code in the Main method of Program.cs file.


 Console.Write("Enter Book's Id to be deleted : ");
 int deletedBookId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

 Console.Write("Enter Book's Id to be updated : ");
 int updatedBookId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
 Console.Write("Enter Book's Title : ");
 string bookTitle = Console.ReadLine();
 Console.Write("Enter Book's Gener : ");
 string bookGener = Console.ReadLine();
 CrudUtility.UpdateBookDetails(updatedBookId, bookTitle, bookGener);

You can get the complete source code from my GitHub repository EFCore-CrudApp with the details about how to setup the code on your machine.

Run the App

At last run the app with following command.

Dotnet run

Create Multi Project App in .Net Core 3.0

Some time back .Net Core version 3.0 was released and I thought to explore it and then an idea came to me about creating multi project application the same way we create in .Net Framework.
.Net Core is an open source framework for developing and deploying cross platform application on any platform. Check out this link to learn more about .Net Core.
To demonstrate how we can create, build and deploy multi project app in the .Net Core 3.0, I have decided to develop a functional CVS Validator console app. I will explain the functionality of this app later.
First, we need to setup development environment.


We basically need .Net CLI tools, .Net Core Runtime and a code editor in order to develop and run .Net Core app on our machine.
.Net CLI tools, .Net Core Runtime comes with the .Net Core SDK so download and install the latest version of .Net Core SDK available from this link.
And for code editor I will recommend VS Code but if you already have any other code editor that you are using to write C# code then stick with that otherwise download and install VS Code from this link .
After installing SDK and VS Code, open the command prompt and run following command to check if SDK installed properly.

dotnet --version

you must get the latest version number as a result.
After done with the environment setup we are ready to develop our CSV Validator console app.

Create Application Code Scaffolding

This app will have a solution file and three projects to contain code for client, CSV data validation functionality and unit testing.

Create Solution and Projects

So now go to the folder location where you want to develop the app and open the command window (since I have GIT installed on my machine, I will be using git bash window).
Create solution by running following command in the command window.

dotnet new sln -o CsvValidatorApp

It will create CsvValidatorApp folder with the same name solution file in it.
Now we need to create projects under this folder so move into this folder.

cd CsvValidatorApp

First, we will create console type project that will be startup Client project and entry point of our app. So run following command in the command window to create it.

dotnet new console -o CsvValidator.Client

Second one will be class library type project that will contain all the functionality for loading, validating and rendering validated csv file. So run following commands in the command window to create it.

dotnet new classlib -o CsvValidator.Data

The last one will be the nunit type project for the unit testing of class library project code that can be created by running following commands in the command window

dotnet new nunit -o CsvValidator.Test

Once we are done with the project creation our app code structure will look like the following image.

Add Projects in the Solution

Now we need to include the projects into the solution by running following command in the command window.

dotnet sln CsvValidatorApp.sln add CsvValidator.Client/CsvValidator.Client.csproj CsvValidator.Data/CsvValidator.Data.csproj CsvValidator.Test/CsvValidator.Test.csproj

Add Project Reference

Now we need to add reference of our class library Data project in the console app Client project. For that run following command in the command window.

dotnet add CsvValidator.Client/CsvValidator.Client.csproj reference CsvValidator.Data/CsvValidator.Data.csproj

And also add reference of class library Data project in the Test project by running following command.

dotnet add CsvValidator.Test/CsvValidator.Test.csproj reference CsvValidator.Data/CsvValidator.Data.csproj

Build and Run Application

As we are done with all the scaffolding code creation we are now ready to build the app for the first time by running following command in the command window.

dotnet build CsvValidatorApp.sln

I am sure you won’t get any error since there is not much code in there.
You can run the app by running the console Client project and get the standard “Hello World” message in the command window.
Run following command to run the app.

dotnet run -p CsvValidator.Client/CsvValidator.Client.csproj

or change to CsvValidator.Client folder and run following command.

dotnet run

Start Building the App…

Now you are ready to put flash into bare bone scaffolding code of this app and for that we need to open the code editor in the application solution folder.
To open the VS Code in the folder, run following command.
code .
Get the source code of this app from my GitHub repository from this link and start adding code files and code details in your app.

About CVS Validator App

This app take the csv file and validate the data according to the validation provided to it in an xml file and generate the validated csv file at the location of the source csv file. Both files path are configured in the app configuration file. The sample of both files are in my GitHub repository along with the source code of the app. More details about the app can be found in the file in the repository as well.

How to deploy Angular app on Firebase?

I have developed this simple Todo App in Angular which I am going to deploy on Firebase.

You can get the code of this app from my github repository.

First you need to have account on the firebase website so go to the and create your account.

Now create your first firebase project and give it a unique name. In my case I have named it “angular7-todo-app”.

Now install firebase-tools on your machine via npm.

>npm install –g firebase-tools

Next you need to login to firebase from the console using following command.
>firebase login --interactive
This will open the firebase login in the browser for you to login.

Next you need to initialize firebase in the project folder using following command.
>firebase init

This will start a selection wizard in the console.

First -  select “Y” to proceed and then select Hosting option.

Second – now select existing project option.

And select the newly created firebase project.

Third – Select “No” to configure the app as single page app. We will configure it by updating firebase.json file.
Firebase initialization process will create following files in the project folder.
Note – delete the both html files since we already have index.html in the project folder.

Now edit the firebase.json file and add following configuration.
    "public": "docs",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/index.html"

Note – make sure the outputPath value in the angular.json should be “docs”.

Now run following commad on the console window to generate distributable files in the docs folder.
ng build - -prod

Finally deploy the app using following command.
>firebase deploy

Now open the hosting URL in the browser.

How to deploy Angular app on GitHub Pages?

I have developed this simple Todo App in Angular which I am going to deploy on GitHub Pages.

First you need to put your local code into the so if you don’t have github account you need to create it first.
Now create github repository in which you will upload your local code.

Assuming you have git installed on your machine and you have already committed your code in the local master branch.

Open the git bash on the app folder and run above commands to upload your code on github.

Now refresh your github repository and check your code is pushed into github.

Now we need to build our code in production mode in order to create distributable files that will be deployed on github pages. By default this deployable code generated in the /dist/prodect-name        folder but we need to generate this in the “docs” folder under the app folder.

So we need to make a small change in the angular.json file and change the outputpath value to            “docs/” as shown below and save the changes.

Another point to be noted is the URL of your going to be hosted app on the github pages.
This default site name on the github pages would be
Now run following comman on the git bash window to generate distributable files in the docs folder.
ng build - -prod - -base-href=”
Note – replace the username and repository-name with your github username and repository.

Go to your app folder and check docs folder is created that contains all the distributable files.

Now commit this folder into local repository and also push it into the github.

Once docs folder is pushed into you github repository you need to open the repository settings and go to the Github Pages section and select “master branch/docs folder” from Source dropdown.

Now open the github page url of your deployed app in the browser window to check successful deployment of your app on the github pages.

There is  another method to deploy you Angular app only on github pages using angular-cli-ghpages package that you can google for more details but personally I find this approach better and clear than using that packages.