Error: Failed to access IIS metabase

This is error occurs when you have installed IIS after installing Microsoft Visual Studio. So to overcome this error you can either run aspnet_regiis utility or re-install .net framework.

If you have installed IIS over .net framework 2.0 then you have to run this utility from following folder.

C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -i

In some cases this error occurs user account under which web application is running does not have proper permission on the IIS metabase. In that case run following commond.

aspnet_regiis -ga


Anonymous said...

Many thanks. Saved me a lot of headache with the "prompt for user/pass when trying to deploy reports" problem.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Sanjay i was also looking for this information


Anonymous said...

thank you very much for ur post.
it helped me too